
I am providence by nick mamatas
I am providence by nick mamatas

i am providence by nick mamatas i am providence by nick mamatas

No one is safe, and the way the author describes Lovecraftians is at the heart of what makes I Am Providence an uncomfortable read for many and a must-read for everyone: By taking on the man and those who defend him at all costs, Mamatas has probably made a lot of new enemies, and the authenticity the narrative exudes will probably do more of the same as more people read the book. The novel is a fun, mysterious read packed with wittiness, but it’s also a scathing critique of Lovecraft apologists, the discourse of the racists that populate the Lovecraftian scene, and the silly ongoing online debates about the merit of Lovecraft’s work when framed by his bigotry and awkwardness. In a way, I Am Providence is the best example of all these elements put together and turned into top-notch entertaining literature with a side of meta. He is vocal about his opinions, not afraid to engage with trolls, and, more importantly, well informed about anything he decides to discuss.

i am providence by nick mamatas

Mamatas is one of those few authors who pull off interesting literature while simultaneously cultivating a stimulating online presence (and by stimulation I mean some people love him and some would love to bathe in his blood). Lovecraft and his much-debated racism and anti-Semitism. Meanwhile, Panossian tries to recall his moment of death from the morgue, and his overactive brain offers readers a series of eloquent, funny, rambling, and surprisingly reflective monologues about everything from death itself to the work of H.P. Colleen decides to investigate the brutal murder and mutilation, and that only makes the rest of the attendees even more nervous. Colleen’s plans, along with the dynamic of the convention, change abruptly when Panossian is murdered and his face removed. To save money, she shares a room with Panos Panossian, a more established author and polarizing figure in Lovecraftiana. Colleen understands the convention scene and plans to try to make some connections and suffer through a few panels before hitting the bar, which is where the real action is. I Am Providence follows Colleen Danzig, a vegan horror author with green hair who’s struggling to get her work out there as she attends the Summer Tentacular, a popular annual convention held in Providence, R.I. More than merely poking fun or celebrating Lovecraftiana and its plethora of characters and problematic issues, Mamatas deconstructed the man, the myth, and the scene that sprouted like an unstoppable, ever-growing fungus around his corpse and his mythos and built a hilarious, smart literary golem that tackles everything from the inside workings and ego-based nature of (micro)indie publishing and online drama to the racism and sexism that plague the scene. Nick Mamatas’ I Am Providence is one of the most ironic, self-aware, uncannily mirthful, and unabashedly disenchanted love/hate letters you will ever read.

I am providence by nick mamatas